After an accident, Saburo (voiced by Mamoru Miyano), an ordinary middle school student, magically traveled to the Japanese Warring States Period. Not only did he meet Oda Nobunaga, who looked exactly like him, but he also replaced the prince with a raccoon cat and became the lord of Owari. Saburo, who was at a loss, always wanted to return to his own era, but the current situation did not allow him to be distracted at all. His younger brother Nobuyuki was ready to make a move, and his wife Kicho (voiced by Nana Mizuki) from Mino was full of hostility towards him. Outside, he was surrounded by powerful forces such as Saito Michizo (voiced by Yosuke Akimoto) and Takeda Shingen, the Tiger of Kai. Saburo, who had little knowledge of history, bumped into things from time to time, and accidentally learned about the existence of other time travelers during this period. Will history change from this? And can Saburo return to his original world? This film is adapted from the original manga by Ayumi Ishii.