The story takes place at Fujisaki Girls' Junior High School, a private aristocratic school full of elegant young ladies. Kurahashi Riko (voiced by Numakura Aimi), known as the "wild beauty", has a wild and righteous personality like a boy. One day, she accidentally discovered the secret of the student council president Maki Natsuo (voiced by Akasaki Chinatsu). This beautiful and smart president "Fujihime-sama" is not only the teacher's right-hand man, but also the object of everyone's admiration. In fact, she is doing "love research" day and night in the student council room! Because Maki asked her to do so, Riko became the assistant to the student council president, and conducted love research and practice with Maki every day. The student council secretary Tanahashi Suzune (voiced by Minase Inori), who is too shy and often hides, has become a fairy-like existence, and has also joined them. After resolving the conflict with Maki and others, the former student council president Enomoto Yuko (voiced by Sakura Ayane) and the former accountant Mizushima Sayori (voiced by Daichiha) also joined the "Love Research Institute". Five girls with different personalities began their love research activities!