The girl Luen Barrot (voiced by Hayashibara Megumi) who endures the cruel fate is engaged in a fierce battle with the powerful enemy Boyd (voiced by Isobe Tsutomu). At the critical moment, Dr. Ufcouk (voiced by Yashima Tomoto), a crime investigator known as a universal weapon, appears and saves Barrot who is on the verge of death. When Barrot wakes up again, she finds herself in the legendary birthplace of forbidden science - the "Paradise" laboratory. Once again, she sees many strange inventions and learns about the past of "Paradise" and the three doctors. After some investigation, she finally learns that the memory of Shel (voiced by Nakai Kazuya) is hidden in a chip in the Casino Casino. In order to trace Shel's past, Barrot disguises herself as a gambler and walks into the dangerous casino... This film is adapted from Okikata Takashi's science fiction novel and is the second part of the "Girl in the Shell" trilogy (the other two parts are "Compression" and "Exhaust").