In the eyes of his peers, Uekusa Shingo (voiced by Mizushima Daisuke) is a helpful and nice man. This year, the private school in Kagakutai where Shingo is studying is about to merge with the famous Yuki Private Girls' School in the local area, and dozens of students including Shingo are sent to the girls' school in advance to get used to the future study life. Facing the surging, pure girls in white school uniforms, what kind of romantic relationship will the somewhat shy Shingo encounter? The arrogant and domineering eldest lady Sena Airi (voiced by Ono Ryoko), the gentle and taciturn literary girl Uekusa Sakurano (voiced by Goto Mai), the homely mixed-race girl Angelina (voiced by Ichimura Koma), the petite and somewhat innocent natural senior sister Amane Miu (voiced by Matsuda Risa), while interacting with these girls who have never dealt with boys, Shingo also found his own, small, pure love.