When a person faces an important choice in life, flags will be raised above his head. The seemingly ordinary boy, Sato Hatate (voiced by Ryota Oosaka), has gained the special ability to see these flags because of an accident. One day, Sato transferred to the world-famous private school for aristocrats, Hataya Academy. What interesting stories will happen here? The arrogant and venomous Princess Naha (voiced by Kido Ebuki), the gentle and introverted magician Akane (voiced by Meino Ai), the noble and inaccessible Saint Emperor Koji Mimori (voiced by Tamura Yukari), the mature and virtuous childhood sweetheart Summoning Temple Kikuno (voiced by Asumi Kana), and the heroic thief Yamae (voiced by Hanazawa Kana), surrounded by these lovely girls, a drama with laughter and tears officially kicked off.