The story takes place at Nanamori Middle School, where the atmosphere is relaxed and the system is loose. In order to kill the boring after-school time, the innocent girl Akaza Dengli (voiced by Mikami Eori) teamed up with her childhood friends Tosina Kyoko (voiced by Ootsubo Yuka) and Funami Yui (voiced by Tsuda Minami) to form an activity club called "Entertainment Club" using the long-abandoned tea ceremony club. Later, a girl named Yoshikawa Chinatsu (voiced by Okubo Rumi) who is kind on the surface but extremely black-bellied joined by accident, and thus, the four-member team of this copycat club was established. In this club that has not been formally applied for, joyful and hilarious daily life happens every day, but it is not long before the existence of the entertainment club is discovered by the student union. As the deputy director, how can Sugiura Ayano (voiced by Fujita Saki) sit back and watch? Between the entertainment club and the student union, a vigorous cat-and-mouse battle begins.