Kawakami Kyoko (voiced by Asami Imai) fell in love with the transfer student Saito Aya (voiced by Hisako Kanemoto) who had been taking care of her during her injury and hospitalization. As a girl, she chose to bury this feeling deeply in her heart. This unexpected car accident gave Kyoko the superpower to move objects with her mind. One day, Kyoko wanted to kiss Aya who was asleep, but she didn't expect to be discovered by Aya. What shocked Kyoko was that Aya also fell deeply in love with her. In this way, Kyoko and Aya began to date. One day, Aya was sick, and Kyoko went to her house to visit her. At Aya's house, Kyoko met Aya's brother Kouta. After leaving, Kyoko returned to Aya's house to retrieve the lost items, but found that Aya and Kouta were lying naked on the bed.