Minami Haruka (voiced by Rina Sato) is a perfect student with outstanding appearance and excellent personality. In school, she is the object of admiration of many people with her cheerful and gentle personality, and Baosaka (voiced by Daisuke Ono) is one of them. There are many legends about Haruka in the school, and she is even more famous as the "first generation leader". In the eyes of her younger sisters Minami Shana (voiced by Marina Inoue) and Minami Chiaki (voiced by Minami Chihara), Haruka is a mother-like existence. Shana is a well-developed athletic girl with a lively and somewhat confused personality. She is everyone's pistachio. But in Chiaki's eyes, Shana is a complete fool, but this is precisely Chiaki's special way of expressing love-venomous tongue. Although she looks indifferent and mature, Chiaki also has an unexpectedly delicate and childish side. The three sisters of the Minami family have their own characteristics, but all three are so kind and cute. In the small city, they are unfolding a relaxed and happy daily life.