Souji Kanzuka (voiced by Shimazaki Nobunaga) is a high school boy who seems to be very ordinary in all aspects. The only difference is that he has an extraordinary love and obsession for the twin ponytail hairstyle. One day, a mysterious woman named Duoer (voiced by Uchida Maaya) suddenly appeared in front of Souji. Her appearance from another world completely changed Souji's life. A large number of monsters from another world suddenly appeared in the town, completely disrupting people's peaceful lives. Duoer gave Souji the power to transform. Souji transformed into a red ponytail warrior (voiced by Uesaka Sumire) and started a desperate fight with the aliens. As time went by, Tsube Aika (voiced by Aizaka Yuka) transformed into a blue-tailed warrior, Jindou Erina (voiced by Akasaki Chinatsu) transformed into a yellow-tailed warrior, and Isuna (voiced by Hikasa Yoko) transformed into a black-tailed warrior joined the battle.