"Silence" is adapted from the novel of the same name by the famous Japanese writer Endo Shusaku. The story takes place in a small village near Nagasaki during the Tokugawa Shogunate era, when a Portuguese Jesuit priest sneaked into Japan to preach and investigate the fact that his mentor renounced his faith due to the torture of "hole hanging", because in the eyes of Europeans at the time, this was not only a personal setback, but also a shame and failure of the entire European faith and thought. In the process of preaching and searching, faith and rebellion, holiness and immorality, power and humility, suffering and fear, steadfastness and forbearance, struggle and detachment...all the dilemmas were faced, forcing him to think more deeply and realistically about his faith in Christ. In the end, he seemed to have gone through the mental journey of his mentor and had his own interpretation and practice of faith.