In the summer of her second year in high school, the beautiful girl Muto Rikako (voiced by Yoko Sakamoto) left the metropolis of Tokyo with her mother and came to the quaint and quiet Kochi. The smart and beautiful Rikako is so beautiful in this remote little place that she attracts the loving eyes of boys, and her lonely character makes the girls complain a lot. The class monitor Matsuno Yutaka (played by Toshihiko Seki) secretly likes her, and Matsuno's friend Tosaki Taku (played by Takuo Tobita) seems to be quite concerned about Rikako. During the Golden Week, Rikako asked Taku to return to Tokyo together, and Taku also sensed the most fragile emotions in the heart of this seemingly cold girl for the first time. They seem to be closer, but also seem to be farther apart... This film is a TV movie adapted from the original work of Saeko Hiroshi and directed by Tomomitsu Mochizuki, who is good at pure love animation. His representative works include "The Moment of Gathering" and "Orange Road".