As she is about to graduate from university, the beautiful female student Kaori (voiced by Kataoka Mirai) makes an appointment with her friends Erika (voiced by Taniguchi Ami) and Kiko (voiced by Saeki Masami) to leave Tokyo for Okinawa, planning to stay at the villa of her boyfriend, Uncle Tadashi (voiced by Negishi Takuma) for a graduation trip. In the local area, they keep smelling the stench of corpses. Soon, strange fish with spiked long legs break into the villa. They run at a very fast speed and attack Kaori and others. Soon they find that tens of thousands of walking fish have landed on the beach in Okinawa, causing great panic. Not only that, Tokyo has also become the world of walking fish. Worried about Tadashi's situation, Kaori resolutely returns to Tokyo. Facing this doomsday-like city, how can she find Tadashi? This film is adapted from the original work of the same name by horror cartoonist Junji Ito.