Mitsuya Madi (voiced by Sakurai Takahiro) is a very introverted young man who is always unable to convey his ideas through language. However, he happened to enter the company's first sales department, and his daily work made Mitsuya feel very stressed. One day, Mitsuya unexpectedly met a man named Nishioka Masashi (voiced by Kamiya Hiroshi) on the street. This seemingly frivolous and slick man turned out to be a member of the dictionary editing department. Masashi discovered Mitsuya's talent for editing dictionaries, so he invited him to join the editorial department and began editing the dictionary "Daduhai". Mitsuya also met Araki Kohei (voiced by Kaneo Tetsuo), who loves words deeply, Matsumoto Tomosuke (voiced by Mugito), who has devoted his life to the dictionary, and Sasaki Kaoru (voiced by Sakakibara Yoshiko), who is very hardworking and pragmatic.