Chio Mitani (voiced by Naomi Aso) is an ordinary first-year high school girl studying at Samejima Academy. Whether it is her appearance, personality or grades, she can only be described as mediocre, but Chio herself enjoys this low-key and idle state. At home, Chio is a standard game otaku, always addicted to various European and American role-playing games. Chio's home is not far from the school, so Chio relies on walking to school every day. The strange thing is that every day, on Chio's way to school, it seems that something is blocking her from reaching school. There are all kinds of situations and troubles, but Chio can always resolve the crisis in the end. Going to school with Chio are childhood sweethearts Nonomura Manana (voiced by Chiaki Komikawa) and the ace of the track and field club, Yuki Hosokawa (voiced by Kaede Hondo), who dislike Chio.