Yoshiharu Sagara (voiced by Takuya Eguchi) is an ordinary high school student. One day, in an accident, he traveled back to the Warring States Period when heroes fought for hegemony. There, Yoshiharu Sagara was shocked to find that the heroes fighting on the front lines in the history books were all cute girls! Kinoshita Tokichiro (voiced by Tsubasa Shioya), who wanted to be loyal to the Oda family, died before his ambitions were fulfilled, and Yoshiharu Sagara replaced him and came to the Oda family by accident. Here, Yoshiharu Sagara met Oda Nobuna (voiced by Ito Kanae), a 16-year-old girl, and became her retainer. After experiencing various bloody and dangerous moments together, Yoshiharu Sagara and Nobuna Oda also developed a sincere relationship. Unfortunately, Yoshiharu Sagara does not belong to this era. Will the relationship between him and Nobuna Oda have a happy ending?