Aishiro Karen (voiced by Momoyo Koyama) has been longing for the spotlighted stage since she was a child, hoping that one day she can stand in the spotlight and emit her own light. Kagura Hikari (voiced by Mimori Suzuko) is Karen's childhood friend and playmate, and has an innate talent for acting and stage sense. Tencho Maya (voiced by Maho Tomita) is a rich girl born into a famous family in the theater industry. She continues to practice with the expectations of her family. Hoshimi Junna (voiced by Sato Hinata) has a high IQ, but often gets entangled because of overthinking. Tsukuzaki Mahiru (voiced by Shiota Haruki) is usually honest and inconspicuous, but once she stands on the stage, she will exude a strong beauty. These girls who are full of desire and yearning for the stage are gathered together by Revue Starlight and move towards their ideals together.