The protagonist of this work, "Mr. Killer" (voiced by Sakurai Takahiro), is a professional killer. He will kill anything as long as he receives a commission, even his own parents or the summer homework of elementary school students. He has a disciple, an elementary school student whose parents have both passed away. He worships Mr. Killer and becomes his teacher because he admires him. Other characters that appear in the film include a 17-year-old busty beautiful girl who wants to avenge Mr. Killer for killing her father, a sheriff who has had many close encounters with Mr. Killer, and a police dog named "Goro". Each episode of this animation is 3 minutes long and is full of a lot of hilarious jokes. It can be said to be a collection of jokes centered on Mr. Killer. Although Mr. Killer looks handsome and is cold, he is actually a cold-faced comedian. In his contacts with beautiful girls, sheriffs and other characters, various unexpected funny plots occur. This animation is adapted from the four-frame comic created by TAMACHIKU.