Amatsuki Man (voiced by Ayaka Imamura) is a girl who came to Tokyo from her hometown to work and live alone. She moved into the female-only shared house "Stella House Haruno", where she quickly met a group of tenants with different personalities. Kiriyama Nao (voiced by Chika Anzai), who has a cheerful personality but a mysterious background, Midorikawa Kaede (voiced by Mikako Komatsu), who is gentle and considerate of everything, and Kiriyama Shin (voiced by Maaya Uchida), Nao's sister, who has a beautiful appearance and an unexpectedly mature personality. After get off work every day, these lovely girls will get together, take out their favorite wines, and eat small dishes, joke with each other, and relieve the stress of a tiring day. As Xiaoman is still in the stage of exploring the wine, he also joins them.