Yuge Saigiya (voiced by Tomoki Ono) is an ordinary male high school student in all aspects. Although he has a poisonous mouth, he is actually full of justice in his heart. By chance, he traveled to a different world called Gulanbania, where humans were eroded by filth. To purify the filth, they can only rely on the shrine maidens of the twelve constellations. Of course, shrine maidens alone are not enough. The ones who can really expel filth are actually the "children of the stars" born by the "rare people" and the shrine maidens, and Yuge Saigiya happens to be a rare person. Luka (voiced by Makiko Omoto), a mature and steady mind reader, Ali (voiced by Aya Endo), who has an unknown side, and Femina Luna (voiced by Saki Fujita), a willful and conceited daughter. Surrounded by these shrine maidens, what choice will Yuge Saigiya make?