Hong (voiced by Komatsu Mikako), who is cheerful and mature, and her younger brother Kiyotsugu (voiced by Natsuki Junya), live a life of dependence on each other. They run an antique shop called Izumoya together. All the antiques sold in the shop are antiques with a history of hundreds of years. The essence of time is condensed on these antiques, making these seemingly ordinary items attached with spirits called "Tsukumogami". These Tsukumogami will help the owners who buy them home to solve various problems they encounter. The taciturn and very indifferent Notetsu (voiced by Nara Toru), the round and round full moon, the old-fashioned and serious Tsukiya (voiced by Nakano Yu), the mature and steady Gobita (voiced by Hirakawa Daisuke), and the beautiful and incomparable princess (voiced by Akesaka Satomi), these Tsukumogami show their different views on life in front of human sorrows and joys.