Nanase Takeshi (voiced by Mamoru Miyano) is a boy who seems very indifferent, but is cold as ice in his heart. The past that he could not bear to look back on made him choose to close his heart and not reveal any emotion. Although he has been restraining his emotions, Nanase Takeshi can always feel the flame burning in his heart. By chance, Nanase Takeshi met a girl who fainted on the ground on campus. The kind Nanase Takeshi took the girl to the health room and learned that her name was Aiwa Roku (voiced by Nao Toyama). What Nanase Takeshi did not expect was that his encounter with Aiwa Roku completely changed the trajectory of his life. Aiwa Roku turned Nanase Takeshi into a magician by accident. After that, Nanase Takeshi's childhood sweetheart Goshima Kurumi (voiced by Asami Seto), classmate Ida Ichizo (voiced by Kenichi Suzumura) and health teacher Hyoto Nanami all had the ability to use magic circles.