Trinity Blood, formerly known as Trinity Blood, is a Baroque fantasy novel serialized by Japanese writer Nao Yoshida in The Sneaker magazine. The content revolves around the distant future when a "great disaster" causes the destruction of civilization. The story is set in the future European continent. In a chaotic world, gods and demons are two extremes of the world. They are very close to humans, but they have very different abilities. Able Nightrord, the new priest of the temple, looks confused, but he has an unknown side. Just because he is a new alien who is in the temple but has demon blood - a vampire who sucks vampire blood. On the one hand, his existence is excluded by humans, and on the other hand, the people of the temple have to rely on his power to fight against various terrifying creatures all over the world. After meeting a girl named Esther Blanchett, the fate of both people has changed greatly. The story begins in this indistinguishable contradiction...