Holo (voiced by Ami Koshimizu), an experienced, steady and reliable wolf, met Lawrence (voiced by Jun Fukuyama), a merchant traveling alone. The two became travel companions and embarked on a journey full of unknowns. One day, they set out from the church city to Holo's hometown of Joiz. On the way, the two came to Kumerson, a city where a grand memorial service was being held, and a man named Amadi (voiced by Saeko Chiba) appeared beside them. Amadi is a kind and enthusiastic fish merchant. He was deeply attracted by Holo's vitality and confidence and couldn't help falling in love. Lawrence also developed a subtle feeling for Holo in his heart. Looking at Amadi's passionate offensive against Holo, Lawrence didn't know what he felt in his heart, and he and Holo seemed to have fallen into a misunderstanding.