Ordinary high school student April 1st Kimihiro (voiced by Fukuyama Jun) has a physique different from ordinary people. He can see and attract all kinds of ghosts, but if he is with his classmate Baimegui Shizuka (voiced by Nakai Kazuya), he will not be entangled by ghosts. Because of the traction of fate, April 1st walked into a strange shop. This is a shop that can help customers realize any wish, but the owner of the shop, Ichihara Yuko (voiced by Ohara Sayaka) will also take away the price equivalent to this wish. Yuko promised to help April 1st realize his wish to stay away from ghosts, and as a price, April 1st will stay in the shop to work. One day, a gloomy girl walked into the shop and entrusted Yuko to realize her wish. As a result, Yuko, April 1st and Baimegui came to a strange mansion. Here, they met a group of strange collectors. At the same time, April 1st encountered various supernatural events in this big house, as if he had a mysterious dream on a midsummer night...