Kaoru Samura (voiced by Yukari Tamura) is an ordinary office worker who lives a regular life from nine to five every day. Her life is peaceful and quiet. However, for such an ordinary woman, her husband Eleven (voiced by Kenichi Suzumura) is a complete "otaku". Eleven is very familiar with and enthusiastic about comics, animation and the Internet, and Kaoru Samura knows nothing about them but is gentle and tolerant of her husband. What interesting stories will happen between this couple? Rino Jise (voiced by Rie Kugimiya), who looks very young but has already married, Rino's husband, professional boxer Kaoru Jise (voiced by Toshifumi Sakai), calm and composed small town doctor Tanaka (voiced by Yoshiko Shintani), Tanaka's husband Yamada (voiced by Daisuke Sozaki), around Kaoru Samura and Eleven, there are friends with different personalities but equally kind and interesting.