In the film, the male protagonist Manolo (voiced by Mexican actor Diego Luna) has to defeat his rival Joaquin (voiced by Channing Tatum) and win the heart of his lover Maria (Zoe Saldana). To do this, he must not only defeat Manolo in swordsmanship, as well as Maria herself, a fencing master, but also cross the "Land of the Remembered", resist all kinds of temptations, and return to the human world. The film is magnificent and colorful, full of Mexican cultural elements. Mexicans believe that death is the destination of life and the beginning of a new life. The first two days of November every year are the traditional festival "Diade Muertos", which is celebrated grandly across the country, with masks worn everywhere, and bread and candy are decorated with the image of skulls. The colors, musical instruments and even food of the "Land of the Remembered" in the film, as well as Manolo's skull shape, are all inspired by the traditional customs of the "Ghost Festival".