Futaba Shotaro (voiced by Tsuchiya Kamiya) is a freshman who has just entered high school. In the summer of his third year in junior high school, he was attracted by the performance of the Canggao Men's Rhythmic Gymnastics Club and chose to enter this school and joined the gymnastics club, where he met a group of like-minded partners. Misato Yoshiya (voiced by Ishikawa Kaito), who has superb strength but always refuses to be a thousand miles away, the gentle and reliable vice president Chikudano Keisuke (voiced by Kondo Takashi), who is interested in cultivating bonsai after school, the only normal person in the club, Onagawa Nagakichi (voiced by Shimono Hiro), who looks a little scary but has a very delicate and kind personality, Watari Kotaro (voiced by Kamiya Hiroshi), trains with these reliable predecessors. Although Shotaro knows nothing about rhythmic gymnastics, he grows rapidly with his talent and hard work.