On the surface, Mamiya Sakura (voiced by Marina Inoue) is just an ordinary high school girl. However, a special experience in her childhood gave her the special ability to see ghosts, which also changed her originally peaceful life. By chance, Mamiya Sakura met a boy named Liudao Samsara (voiced by Kaito Ishikawa), and the sensitive Sakura soon discovered the boy's true identity as a half-human, half-god. It turns out that Liudao Samsara has half the blood of the god of death, so he shoulders the responsibility of saving the dead. His integrity and kindness attracted Sakura's attention. The two joined forces to send one after another restless souls into the wheel of reincarnation. As time goes by, Sakura gradually discovers that Liudao Samsara's grandmother Konko (voiced by Yukino Satsuki) is the god of death who once saved her life, and her special fate has been decided at that moment.