The bad boy Kazama Kenji (voiced by Konishi Katsuyuki) is in the second year of high school. He forms the bad boy group "Kazama Faction" with Yoko and Nagayama. It is such a bad student who is rampant in the campus. By chance, he broke into the "Game Production Department" that was facing disbandment due to too few members. He met four female members of the department. They claimed to have their own "attributes" - Shibasaki Roka (voiced by Hanazawa Kana) with the fire attribute, Karayama Chitose with the earth attribute, Minakami Sakura with the water attribute, and Oze Minami with the thunder attribute. Faced with this surreal club, Kenji certainly refused to join, so the four of them used their own attribute skills to attack Kenji, with the purpose of getting him to join. Kenji not only has to face four members with "attributes", but also has to deal with the so-called "real game production department" that follows... Adapted from the comics of Japanese cartoonist Haruno Tomoya.