On March 17, the comedy channel will broadcast a new animated series "Ugly Americans". The show tells the story of Mark Lilly, a kind-hearted social worker, who helps "citizens" who have just arrived in New York to integrate into American society. You also noticed this interesting title and the "citizens" in quotation marks - there is no doubt that this is a political satire that uses animation to express reality. And the so-called "citizens"... Well, not all of them are human, there are also "others" - hell demons, vampires, zombies, werewolves, multi-headed monsters... All things that have appeared in fantasy novels, fantasy movies and fairy tales may appear in the show. Let the vampires stop sucking human blood, the werewolves stop robbing houses, and the fat people stop staying at home and not participating in social activities. Although these tasks are not simple, Mark is willing to give it a try. It's not just work that annoys Mark, but also his nagging zombie roommate and demon girlfriend. He really wants to have a good sleep, but when the beautiful mermaid is sitting in the bar and waving at you, who can still sleep? ------Tianya Xiaozhu