The story takes place on the campus of the private Takato Academy. This year, childhood friends Oshima Yuuki (voiced by Nakamura Yuichi) and Sumiyoshi Chisato (voiced by Nakamura Eriko) are promoted to the second grade together. As students, after-school club activities are an indispensable part of campus life. Yuuki and Chisato, together with their classmate Kiba Fuyumi (voiced by Mizuhashi Kaori), organized the "Food Research Club". It's called a research club, but in fact, it's just everyone sharing delicious snacks together, but this simple activity brings the girls an extremely wonderful after-school time. Unfortunately, the biggest enemy of the research club, Shinonome Satsuki (voiced by Asakawa Yu), issued a declaration to "disband clubs without actual achievements", and he himself is likely to be elected as the president of the Student Government Association. In order to protect their beloved clubs, the girls decided to join the election as competitors, and a vigorous club protection battle began.