Graduation is imminent, and good friends such as Yuta Shino (played by Koji Seto), Rika Sasaki (played by Trindl Reina), Natsu Takano (played by Ryo Yoshizawa), Mana Fueki (played by Fujiko Kojima), and Satsuki Tachibana (played by Ayaka Miyoshi) from the skiing club of Jokkei University are about to go on a ski vacation at Miki Sakurada's (played by Anna Ishibashi) villa in the mountains, and they met Miki's brother Wataru Sakurada (played by Ren Kiriyama) who was painting at the villa. The boys and girls have their own concerns, and they test each other but never say it out, allowing the jealousy and resentment in their hearts to grow quietly. At the same time, a murder occurred near the villa, which gave Yuta an ominous premonition. During the ten days of lingering in the mountains, unpredictable events occurred one after another, the footsteps of death were approaching, and the black vacation of young men and women was completely out of control...