The story takes place in the early years of the Republic of China. Su Chengzhi (played by Wang Yanyang) has just tied the knot with his lover Ren Shuyan (played by Ma Danni), and the couple is still immersed in the happiness of their newlyweds. On this day, the two of them went back to their old house with five other brothers and sisters from the same school. On a whim, a group of people actually played the psychic pen fairy game. Who knew that it was just a farce caused by curiosity, but it gradually turned into an unforgettable nightmare. A sudden storm cut off the way back. During the time they were trapped, bizarre events continued to occur, and brothers and sisters died one after another. The survivors knew that the murderer must be hidden among them, but at this time everyone had nowhere to escape. Su Chengzhi decided to investigate the truth behind the case, but he didn't know that he would reveal the secret that had been sealed in this big house for twenty years.