Adapted from the fascinating novel by Takashi Nobuo, Groundmaster tells a high-stakes game of real estate fraud. This thrilling crime drama is directed by the versatile director Hitoshi Oone, who has been eagerly awaiting this project, starring Go Ayano and Etsushi Toyokawa. The story reveals a series of unprecedented crimes committed by a group of cunning land fraudsters who use real estate sales as bait to steal large sums of money. Real estate prices in Tokyo begin to soar again. Takumi Tsujimoto (Go Ayano) meets Harrison Yamanaka (Etsushi Toyokawa) - the leader of the notorious real estate fraud group. Takumi, together with informant Takeshita (Kazuki Kitamura), imposter recruiter Reiko (Eiko Koike) and legal advisor Goto (Masanori Taki), assist in the real estate fraud as negotiators. Their next target is an unprecedented case: a 10 billion yen real estate scam. As the scammers deftly maneuver landowners and major developers eager to change the land's use, the police are relentlessly hunting them down. Meanwhile, Takumi's past and Harrison's unethical methods are gradually revealed. With the police on their trail, these scammers are taking huge risks in their fraudulent transactions. Can they pull off this 10 billion yen scam?