"You...are no longer human." Bones, the animation production company of world-renowned films "Symphonic Psalms EUREKA 7" and "My Hero Academia", and Kazuya Murata, the director of "Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet" and "Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Planet of Milos", team up to present an original biochemical sci-fi action series. In Japan in 2035, an accident called the "Big Bang" occurred in a research project, and the uncontrolled artificial life form "Big Trouble" was created, occupying the entire Kurobe Gorge. The research town, once hailed as the hope of mankind, was completely blocked by the government. Two years later, Tachibana Aiko, a 15-year-old girl who lost her family in the "Big Bang", learned incredible facts from the transfer student Kanzaki Yuya. There is a secret hidden in her body, and the answer to all the puzzles is at the "Original Point", the center of the "Big Bang". When a boy and a girl meet, the fate of mankind is in the hands of the two. What new truth will they reveal? Netflix exclusive, online in spring 2018.