The Marvel series "The Punisher" has formed a team for the second season, with Josh Stewart ("Criminal Minds", "Sniper"), Floriana Lima ("Gangster Angels", "Lethal Weapon"), and Giorgia Whigham ("Scream", "13 Reasons Why") joining as permanent casts. Joe Bernthal, who plays "Punisher" Frank Castle, Ben Barnes, who plays "Jigsaw" Billy Russell, as well as Amber Rose Revah, Jason R. Moore and others will return. Stewart plays John Pilgrim, whose calm appearance conceals his inner cruelty and ruthlessness. Although he has left a violent life, he will return to his old job due to bad circumstances and enter Castle's world. Lima plays Krista Dumont, a smart, compassionate and hardworking veteran psychotherapist. Whigham plays Amy Bendix, a clever street liar with a mysterious past.