In a conspiracy, high school student Shinjina Hoshimura (voiced by Nana Akiyama) and her entire family were killed by a mysterious organization called "Seven Stars". Afterwards, the monk Tagami Keiyo (voiced by Keiji Fujiwara) used the mysterious magic of the Guangyan Sect of the Great Marshal's Zhenyuan Esoteric Sect to resurrect Shinjina and make her a "corpse princess" - a kind of living dead who had deep resentment before death and had a strong ability to move after resurrection. Corpse princesses are usually women. According to the contract, they have to fight with the same kind of "corpses". When they kill 108 enemies, they can obtain the qualification to enter the paradise. Soon after, Tagami Keiyo died in the battle, and his contract with Shinjina was transferred to his adopted son Hanagami Wangri (voiced by Tatsuya Hazome). With the help of her companions, Shinjina began to track down the whereabouts of the real murderer who killed her parents, and the evil "Seven Stars" also began to move for some secret purposes.