The story takes place in the wind band of Kitauji High School. Kaizuka Kaori (voiced by Tanezaki Atsumi) and Umaki Nozomi (voiced by Toyama Nao) are responsible for the oboe and flute respectively. Kaizuka Kaori has been introverted, timid and shy since childhood. He has been living a very lonely life in junior high school. The appearance and approach of Nozomi made Kaizuka Kaori feel the warmth brought by friendship for the first time, so he regarded Nozomi as his most precious treasure. Unexpectedly, attachment and dependence brought about insecurity of gains and losses. In the last music competition in high school, Kaizuka Kaori and Nozomi decided to choose "Liz and the Blue Bird" as the competition track. This song from a sad fairy tale inevitably brought Kaizuka Kaori into the relationship between himself and Nozomi. As the competition date approaches, the gap between Kaizuka Kaori and Nozomi is getting bigger and bigger.