From today, the somewhat innocent Tomori (voiced by Mikami Eori) officially becomes a junior high school student. On the first day of school, Tomori joins the "Entertainment Club" where her friends Kyoko (voiced by Ootsubo Yuka) and Yui (voiced by Tsuda Minami) are. The so-called entertainment club is actually just occupying the office of the tea ceremony club that has been abolished, and the club activities are just a variety of leisurely tea drinking and chatting. Tomori's classmate Chinatsu (voiced by Okubo Rumi) joined them by accident because she admired her sister who belonged to the tea ceremony club. The four girls spent a relaxed and happy life in the entertainment club with a little lesbian plot. Kyoko likes Chinatsu, who has a cute appearance, very much, and Chinatsu likes Yui, who is very caring. As a result, Tomori, as the protagonist, was virtually neglected. Everyone held a discussion meeting in the entertainment club. What kind of hilarious story will it lead to? At the same time, the unauthorized occupation of the classroom attracted the attention of the student union. Will the entertainment club face the crisis of being abolished?