The story takes place in the Megumi no Oka Academy. Yuki Jogun (voiced by Inori Minase) is innocent and cute, and is a veritable happy fruit. Huifei Suzawa Kurumi (voiced by Ari Ozawa) is down-to-earth and reliable, and her strength and vitality have influenced everyone around her. Wakasa Yuri (voiced by Mao Ichimichi) is gentle and strong, and is a stable backer in everyone's mind. Naoki Miki (voiced by Rie Takahashi) looks indifferent, but her inner enthusiasm cannot be ignored. These lovely children together form the "Academy Life Club" and carry out pleasant club activities every day. The empty campus, the dilapidated classrooms, and the zombies wandering around, which one is fantasy and which one is real? In the face of a huge disaster, the girls turned their fear into strength and did their best, with only one goal, that is, to live longer and happier.