After going through untold hardships, Chiaki Shinichi (voiced by Guan Zhiyi) and Noda Hui (voiced by Kawasumi Ayako) finally got rid of their fear of airplanes, and one of them passed the entrance exam. The two came to the holy land of classical music, Europe. Noda Mei, who came to Europe, felt fresh about everything, the new environment, the new apartment, and the thing that made Noda Mei happy the most was that she could finally be with her beloved Chiaki! But everything was not as good as Noda Mei imagined. Chiaki shone in the international conducting competition and received the attention of major authoritative media; and Noda Mei had many problems to overcome, such as the language, the various masters of the new school, and Chiaki's absence... These made Noda Mei feel lonely and lonely in a foreign country, and the greater crisis was that Chiaki, who was also liked by a talented female pianist, also encountered a bottleneck in the piano. This film is adapted from the manga of the same name by cartoonist Ninomiya Tomoko, and is the second bomb of the animation series.