In the near future, the bustling Tokyo has become a dead city due to a nuclear power plant incident and is known as the world's largest ghost city. However, even in this dead ruin, there are still lucky villagers lingering here. In 20XX, three girls without any radiation protection equipment appeared in old Tokyo. Their names are Naruse Jing (voiced by Tomatsu Haruka), Fukasaku Aoi (voiced by Hanazawa Kana), and Nomura Taeko (voiced by Akesaka Satomi). They are girls born with radiation resistance through genetic modification, collectively known as "COPPELION". Under the command of Mishima Guibing Rikusa (voiced by Koyama Riki), an instructor at the Special Engineering School affiliated to the National Defense University, the girls searched for survivors everywhere, and unprecedented experiences and feelings followed one after another. What do the girls think in their hearts... This film is adapted from the original manga by Inoue Tomonori. The surnames of the COPPELION girls are all from famous Japanese directors, and the surnames of ordinary people are from Japanese literary writers.