Mei Ayatsuki (voiced by Sumire Moroboshi) is an ordinary female high school student. Once by chance, she met a mysterious man who claimed to be a magician. Under the man's operation, Mei Ayatsuki actually traveled back to the Meiji era and came to Rokumeikan by accident. Here, Mei Ayatsuki met great writers whose names she had only seen in books before - Izumi Kyoka (voiced by Nobuhiko Okamoto), who has a sensitive and eccentric personality and is strangely crazy about rabbits, Mori Ogai (voiced by Daisuke Namikawa), who has a super high IQ and behaves differently from ordinary people, Hishida Harusa (voiced by KENN), who is introverted and taciturn, and Kawakami Otojiro (voiced by Hiroki Toriumi), who is gentle, considerate and gentle. How will Mei Ayatsuki's fate collide with them?