The Matrix Animation consists of 9 short films based on the worldview of The Matrix series of films. Each film has a different perspective and style. The production team brings together animation elites from Japan, the United States and South Korea. The Machine Renaissance tells the history of MATRIX. The robots can no longer bear the bad treatment of humans, so they finally rebel and turn humans into energy. The Boy's Story tells the story of a boy who suddenly receives a call from the Internet, and a large number of men in black begin to hunt him down. The Virtual Program shows a clip of a man and a woman in a virtual training program. The World Record describes a sprinter who is about to break through the human limit and is finally firmly controlled by the system. Beyond the Limits tells the story of a supernormal area appearing in a peaceful neighborhood due to a system error. The Detective Story describes a detective who is led step by step to try to break free from the shackles of the system. The Matrix tells the story of a robot being captured and domesticated by humans. The Final Battle records the destruction of a spaceship.