The TV anime takes place during the Showa and Genroku periods, and mainly describes the complex interpersonal relationships of storytellers (rakugoka). The aloof daimyo Yakumo, Yotaro who insists on becoming his apprentice, and Konishuta, the posthumous child of Sukeroku, an ally of Yakumo, who is known as the "unparalleled daimyo", will appear in this work. Yotaro, who can't forget the "god of death" of the daimyo Yakumo who he met at the Rakugo consolation meeting at the prison, goes straight to the yose after being released from prison. Yotaro, who bows down to Yakumo and becomes his house employee and apprentice, discovers that a woman named Konishuta lives with Yakumo. Yakumo and Konishuta seem to have a connection that no one else can touch...