The story revolves around the campus life of five teenagers, twin brothers Asaba Yuta and Yuki, their childhood sweethearts - Tsukahara Kaname and Matsuoka Haru, and the transfer student Chizuru Tachibana. Fresh and elegant pictures depict the humorous and warm youth stories of the five teenagers. With cherry blossoms flying all over the sky, the students of Hoki High School ushered in the opening ceremony. The four teenagers met in the spring, and then spent many springs together. This year, they became sophomores of Hoki High School. At the beginning of the new school year, Tsukahara Kaname forced Yuki to join the school club, but Yuki, who had well-developed motor nerves, would rather hide at home and read comics... Soon after, Chizuru Tachibana, a lively and outgoing mixed-race boy, transferred to their class. It turned out that he was Yuki's childhood playmate. Since then, the five people have begun their simple but real youth life.