Oda Nobunaga (voiced by Sakai Hiroda) is an ordinary teacher who can't be more ordinary. His biggest feature is that he is very obsessed with GAL games. But in fact, Oda Nobunaga is a super otaku who feels nervous even talking to girls in reality, so he can fantasize about being surrounded by harem in the game. By chance, a 14-year-old girl named Saito Kicho (voiced by Uehara Akari) traveled from the Warring States Period to the modern era. Because she mistakenly thought Oda Nobunaga's name was Oda Nobunaga, she firmly decided to fulfill her marriage contract with him. After that, Oda Nobunaga's side room Ikoma Yoshino (voiced by Ozawa Ari) also reincarnated to Nobunaga's side, and Nobunaga's dream of being hugged by both sides seemed to be realized. But everything is not as simple as it seems.