In the second dimension, high school student Katsuragi Keima (voiced by Hiro Shimono) has the dazzling title of "God of Strategy". At the age of 17, he is famous in the otaku circle for his glorious deeds of conquering 10,000 women, of course only in the game. But in reality, Keima is a very indifferent boy, and he can't get excited about women in the third dimension at all. One day, a cute girl named Elusi (voiced by Ito Kanae) appeared in front of Keima. Elusi told Keima that she was a demon from the underworld, and she came here to ask Keima to help her complete her mission-to drive the soul. The best way to drive the soul is to make the soul driven fall into a state of love, and Keima, the god of strategy, has undoubtedly become the best helper for this mission. Keima agreed to Elusi's request and made a contract with her. Unexpectedly, this contract is actually related to Keima's life! So, for Keima, picking up girls has become a very dangerous thing.