The story takes place at Shijo South Junior High School. Maki Katsuragi (voiced by Hanae Natsuki) is a student who has just transferred here to study. He has lived with his mother since he was a child and is a little introverted, but in fact, Maki is a very thoughtful and considerate boy. By chance, Maki joined the school's soft tennis club. This sport completely changed Maki's junior high school life and left a strong impression on his campus memories. The very serious head of the tennis club, Shinjo Hiragi (voiced by Hatakenaka Yu), the unruly and often surprising Amano Tree (voiced by Matsuoka Yoshitsugu), the extremely considerate Fuzu Rintaro (voiced by Sato Moto), who is always afraid of causing trouble to others, and the carefree and impulsive Soga Tsubasa (voiced by Toyonaga Toshiyuki), sweat with Maki, and there are also these members with different personalities.