Set in the Joseon Dynasty, the film tells the story of a Joseon princess who married into the Qing Dynasty and a young magician from a circus who met and fell in love. Yoo Seung-ho plays the role of "Hwan-hee", the most powerful magician of the Joseon Dynasty, who gambles everything on the final stage after falling into a dangerous love. Go Ara plays the role of "Cheong-myeong", a princess who meets "Hwan-hee" and falls in love with fate, and also has to practice horse riding and martial arts. Kwak Do-won plays the role of "Monster", a famous magician at the time, who wants to take revenge on "Hwan-hee" because of past grievances, and Kwak Do-won will also show his magic skills that are no less than Yoo Seung-ho. Cho Yoon-hee plays the role of "Bo-eum", a prostitute who is proficient in acupuncture and debate, and has both beauty.